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Monday, 16 December 2013

Dream Big For Your Business; Cloudreach and Dreamforce

As a consulting partner for a number of global leaders in the world of cloud computing, Cloudreach is committed to bringing its customers the very latest in news, innovations and trends from the world of business technology. Here, we take a look back at Dreamforce, the biggest Cloud Computing event of the year, to bring you an insight from industry leaders.

Who better to kick start a look into the future of business technology, than the Chairman and CEO of Salesforce itself, Marc Benioff. The fact that Marc started the company back in 1999 alone shows the vision of Salesforce as a company, a fact supported of course by the success of Cloudreach customers using Salesforce to drive their business.

Marc introduced the event as keynote speaker on the morning of the second day. And what an introduction to be making; the likes of Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, Yahoo President and CEO Marissa Mayer and world leading cancer doctor and author David Agus all showing the weight of Salesforce as an organisation.

Alongside the informative and insightful demonstrations, presentations and seminars with leading figures in the world of business technology, Dreamforce also delivered entertainment on a global scale. Tuesday’s Gala saw Green Day and Blondie headlining what could possibly be seen as an explosive “alternative networking session”. Watch that appear on the billing next year!

Dreamforce Benefit demonstrated the company’s strong tradition of philanthropy, showing that there is more to the future of global business than simply developing strategies and increasing deal sizes.

And finishing with a Q&A session with Marc Benioff and Parker Harris, Co-Founder of was a fitting way to conclude the event. Opening up the floor to users of Cloudreach business services characterises the company’s approach to developing through collaboration and feedback from end users, and from their service partners. It’s also why Cloudreach is proud to offer expert implementation of Salesforce products.

This show of strength from Salesforce, through their Dreamforce event will no doubt come as reassurance, but shouldn’t be any surprise for Cloudreach customers currently developing their business using Salesforce.

As leaders in the implementation and strategy development of cloud-based business applications, Cloudreach proudly flies the Salesforce flag. If you’d like to join us for Dreamforce 2014 to find out why for yourself, you can find all the details here

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Transform Your Organization with Google Apps Collaboration Tools

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success”  – Henry Ford

In an incredibly competitive space with an ever faster growing pace of work, organisations are recognising employees as their number one asset. Where there is teamwork and collaboration pulling all their knowledge together as well as their resources and skills there is an increase in productivity and profitability.

With that in mind, many organisations are turning to cloud based communication and collaboration tools such as Google Apps. Teams can meet and converse spontaneously using Google Hangouts. Workgroups can create content simultaneously in Google Docs, seeing changes in real time with full version control.

To look your staff in the eye on a daily basis, no matter where they live, creates a real sense of belonging for those remote employees. People want to be social even at work and Google Apps collaboration enables that.”

Moving to Google Apps ensures a robust set of tools that meet organisational needs. Having the ability to work together in real time, no matter where they live, connecting teams and remote workers.

Learn more on how Cloudreach can help you transform your organisation, join us at the Going Google Edinburgh Roadshow, Dec 4th 2013

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