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Friday, 11 October 2013

Sales Cloud

Cloud computing empowers businesses to increase their efficiency, make significant cost savings, and improve communication, at the same time as offering innovation previously available only to global market leaders.

Managing your sales and marketing functions through a cloud-based CRM system such as Salesforce is the difference between having a good business, and having a great business. With the right level of expertise, experience and knowledge, CRM will:

§  Drive innovation
§  Improve collaboration
§  Increase knowledge of your marketplace
§  Simplify communication channels
§  Enable you to focus on the future of your business

The key benefit of cloud computing is in the opportunity it provides to look at what a business already does well, and improve it considerably through more efficient systems and joined-up thinking.

The key benefit of a cloud-based CRM system is the ability to manage your sales and marketing activities, and internal teams in one central place. Accessible from anywhere by anyone, Salesforce offers a comprehensive suite of tools to enable you to tailor the system to your exact business needs.

With easy integration of systems your business already knows and uses, and scope for independent developers to build their own apps within Salesforce, the only limit to your success is having the knowledge and understanding to make the most of the opportunities. Fortunately, Cloudreach is here to do just that. We’ll lead you through the process in the most suitable way for your organisation.

The main asset of any business is its people. People with the ability to shape your success exist inside and outside your organisation. Doing something new to inspire, motivate and influence them is the key to a successful sales and marketing strategy.

Achieve all this through Sales Cloud by Salesforce and you’ll have a great business. But ultimately, we know you invest in your business to do one thing; to increase your bottom line. That’s why the consultancy services offered by Cloudreach focus on the real-time benefits of cloud computing, namely increasing:

§  Turnover of sales and productivity
§  Conversion of leads
§  Average deal size and win rate
§  Accuracy of forecasts and visibility of sales activity

Moving your sales function over to the Sales Cloud also allows you to capitalise on the mobile business revolution. In the past two years, use of mobile internet has increased by over 80%. Far from covering your bases, ensuring your sales team has the tools to perform effectively via their mobile device is an opportunity you can’t afford not to take.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Seasonal Elasticity

No, we’re not talking about adjusting your waistband to accommodate multiple Christmas dinners!  If you are in Retail or do business with Retailers we’re talking about scaling your online server and data use according to the demands of your business.

Most businesses already do this and almost certainly your IT Team have already provisioned sufficient capacity to more than deal with the highest peaks of load that can be expected over a peak period like the run up to Christmas.   Its important to get this right. Your customers will appreciate that your services are reliable, and you’ll appreciate the peace of mind that comes from knowing whatever happens – you’re covered.  But where has this extra capacity come from?  Has it been sitting idle for the rest of the year?

Traditional hosting or private cloud infrastructure can mean significant capital expenditure for capacity that is only required for a few weeks a year.  It’ll also take up a lot of your IT Team’s time, constantly working to ensure the server provision can handle the peaks in demand for your online systems.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) enables companies just like yours to consume infrastructure on a pay-as-you-go basis whilst ensuring the capacity is there when you need it. Your usage simply scales up and down according to your requirements and you don’t pay for what you don’t use. Not to mention the flexibility that AWS can give you in an emergency- if you need to throw vertical scaling, horizontal scaling or IOPS at a problem you can do just that while you troubleshoot your application.  And with Cloudreach’s experience behind you, you can weather the storm.

You wouldn’t pay your utility bills based on the months with the highest usage. So why do many other successful organisations like yours pay for their data resources in this way? Probably because you haven’t talked to Cloudreach yet to find out the best way of utilising AWS online data services.

Stop stockpiling your data resource for a rainy day, talk to Cloudreach and start saving money now.
Pontus is ready and waiting to answer your questions